September 24, 2009


Omg, little did I realise that I have not been updating my blog for like, a month. o_O Okay, if this blog were a room, it would be filled with cobwebs, covered by dust thicker than 8 inches. LOL.

Anyway, I am glad and grateful that I pulled through this hell-like semester. I SURVIVED!!! Yea yea, clap clap for that. I am gonna blog about some (interesting, but can be humdrum also, heh) events which happened during the end of the semester once my final exam is over. Yea, yours truly still have 3 more papers to go, namely Classical Chinese Novels, Book of Odes and Mass Media And Society.

So wish me luck and kthxbye. =)

August 11, 2009

The real "true colors" quiz (Facebook) result

Just played this game while finalising my report (yea I multitask wth) and I somehow quite like the outcome. Perhaps I find it describes me rather aptly. Oh well, whatever, but here's the result (ignore the spelling-grammer mistakes coz I just copied and pasted the result right away):

Colour: BLUE


Friendships Affection



Lack of Romance
Time Limits

At work you have a strong desire to influence others so they may lead more significant lives. You often work in the arts, communication, education, and helping professions. You are adept at motivating and interacting with others

In love you seek harmonious relationships. You are a true romantic and believe in perfect love that lasts forever. You bring drama, warmth, and empathy to relationships. You enjoy sysmbols of romance such as flowers, candlelight, and musci an cherish the small gestures of love.

In childhood you were extremely imaginative and found it difficult to fit into the structure of school life. You reacted with great sensitivity to discordance or rejection and sought recognition. You responded to encouragement

That's all for now. Busy busy kthxbye~ x_X

August 8, 2009

The assignment-and-report marathon

The title speaks for itself. And thus, even if I had many things to blog about, I don't have the time. -_- Anyway, it would really be a miracle if I could still survive till Week 13 because previously, I've mentioned in my Wordpress blog (here) that this sem is really like hell, literally. Anyway, despite the fact that life's been nothing but inferno, this video really made my day:

It was initially posted by Ah Teong on Facebook and I fell in love with this short film (directed by Patrick Hughes) almost instantly. I think the only word which could describe this video is "Sweet". To avoid spoilers and all I think it's better to watch it for yourself. And hope you guys enjoy it. That's all for now, kthxbye. ^_^

*p/s: My mum called me a couple of minutes ago to tell me that my dad actually reads my blog. o_O So I don't think it's anymore safe to blog here after all. XD WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Anyway, Pa, you're always welcome to view my blog okay? Lol.

August 4, 2009

From Where You Are

From Where You Are

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here
I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here
I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here
So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here.

August 2, 2009

Straw that broke the camel's back

I've got to admit that I am a peppery person. =/ And if you've known me long enough, you could well notice that compared to previous years, I am now completely different in the sense that I'm not that hot-headed. Better still, I don't feel easily offended nor annoyed.

I mean, of course I do get annoyed by some people and some things, but it won't be for long and I will still be able to find a reason to let it go eventually. But yesterday's quarrel between me and an "aunty-classmate" (see previous post) showed that I really couldn't bear working with such weird, irritating bitch. -____- Well, only my classmates know what I've been through and I really thank them for their endless support. And I'm starting to believe that sometimes being in a dire situation makes you realise who your true friends really are. To my classmates and those (including lecturers) who have given me advice, moral support etc, I love you all!! Mwah mwah~ =D

I've actually planned to blog about the spat yesterday but then I needed someone to talk to. So instead of heading back home immediately, I went to Fionn's house. Heh. Oh yea, thanks to Yoke Ching as well for allowing me to sleep on her bed (a lil' bit tired after the fight, lol). I hope YC could forgive me coz I drooled while sleeping. :-X But I think her bed is untainted ... *doubts*

Anyway, I can't say that I am still angry with that "aunty" right now although I was indeed seething with anger during the quarrel. Even my eyes felt fiery when I shouted at her. And oh my, I think I must've been really mad that time coz when I recall the incident now, I remember my lecturer, Ms Yap (who happens to be my academic advisor, and also the "aunty's") pulling my hand and said very softly to me, "Yujin, promise me, don't be angry. Cool down." Oh well, maybe she's just afraid that I might just take my shoe off and dump at the bitch's face in the midst of the quarrel. But I think I might do that or maybe punch the bitch's face lor coz what she claimed was really baseless and untrue. And it really DID raised my hackles wtf. If I had Piper Halliwell's power I think I would have blown her up into pieces, like this:

Now that the quarrel has ended (for the time being), I hope that we will not repeat history on this Wednesday during our presentation of the report. And after that, I don't think I will talk to her again. And neither will my classmates. Oh yea, didn't I mention that this "aunty" wants to complaint to our Dean and maybe to the President of UTAR saying that the Y2S2 Chinese Studies students (us) are boycotting her and also throwing slurs on her blah blah blah AND WORSE, sexually harrassing her?

*gasps* o_o

Yea yea right, this might be your reaction. But I think now you should know who's the problematic one okay? So no explanation needed. I don't have the power of premonition, but I can foresee if she were to make such baseless (again) complaints, she's definitely going to burn the bridges and can never expect us to talk to her again.

On a lighter note, I think I should contemplate on how to improve my anger management. Sigh, really wish that you were by my side and I could just pour my feelings... That's all for now. Kthxbye. ^_^